
Moonstone Fantasy Skirmish Game - The Arising

Created by Goblin King Games

Moonstone, the whimsical fantasy skirmish game, returns with a new expansion book featuring campaign rules and more!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The final countdown!
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Jun 16, 2021 at 10:51:38 AM

Good day moonstone hunters,

Well this is it, the last few hours of the campaign! We’re so pleased that our final stretch goal has been unlocked. Jayda is arguably the most beautiful miniature in our range and the large format version is going to make for a breathtaking display piece. We can’t wait to paint her ourselves!

Some may be disappointed that we aren’t announcing any more stretch goals today. One of our core objectives going into the campaign was to ensure a fast turnaround. We want this game in your hands and on your tabletop as soon as possible, and despite the many dastardly ideas we have brewing in our despicable goblin craniums, we have decided not to get too swept away in the moment and risk over committing. Still, eleven unlocked stretch goals isn't too shabby!

To recap let’s take a look at what has been unlocked and answer a few questions...

Where applicable all backers will receive:

  • A hardback version of the book - it will be paperback at retail.
  • The book will also be signed by Moonstone creator Tom Greenway and narrative lead V.G. Thorne (unless you choose to opt out and choose a plain copy).
  • A poster - size TBC depending on packaging options we find. We will prioritise keeping postage costs at a minimum but will be at least A3.
  • Two stickers: the Moonstone logo and your chosen faction.

You can then choose to add on (now or during the pledge manager stage):

A set of seven glow in the dark D4s for £21 - there are only 200 sets available so numbers are restricted to two sets per backer.

A limited edition alternate miniature of Kalista, Leshavult Priestess - voted for by backers. You can add her on for £10 and use her in regular play.

Exclusive miniatures of the wizard Voth and his Homunculus, which you can add for £16. You will be able to use them during a special scenario, which we’ll send to all backers later in the year, and we’re exploring how they can be used during normal games as well. They need extensive playtesting before we can set their stats in stone, but here’s an early look at what we’ve started with.

There are terrain packs of various scenes across the land of Tauber, they are £40 or £45 each and include lots of resin pieces. They’re packed with whimsical detail so if you want a closer look then click on the images below for a high resolution version.

Click for high resolution image.
Click for high resolution image.
Click for high resolution image.
Click for high resolution image.

You can also add premium acrylic tokens sets for each of the three factions, at £19 each. The tokens will allow you to keep track of the conditions on your characters, and give you thematic energy tokens. These will be available after the campaign for at least £23 each, so you will save at least £4 per set if you order as part of the campaign.

At the moment three characters can create ‘wooded patches’ and we’ve sourced the same highest quality acrylic tokens for use in-game. The design will be in-keeping with the game, and we will share design revisions with you as we progress for your input. You can add a set of three for £6. They will be available after the campaign for £12 per set.

Finally, as mentioned at the top of the post, our beautiful Jayda miniature is being supersized to give you a stunning 75mm or 1/24 scale figure. She’s going to be a lot of fun to paint - if you think the detail is good on the original, the larger one is simply stunning. We’re looking forward to seeing all your painted Jaydas once they get onto your painting tables!

That’s it… The next time you hear from us we will have closed the campaign and will be drinking a very strong cup of tea to recover. It’s been a blast, thank you all again - we look forward to meeting many of you in the coming months.

Until next time, keep your enemies close and the faeries closer.


A HUGE thank you!
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Jun 16, 2021 at 10:20:20 AM

Good day moonstone hunters! 

We just wanted to say a huge thank you for your incredible support and faith placed in us during this campaign. Moonstone could never have existed without Kickstarter backers – you folks mean the world to us and have allowed us to make our dreams a reality. :)  

Ok enough gushing (but you guys really are awesome!) and we can't wait to get the product in your hands. Over the next week we will be a little quiet as we knuckle down on the book editing process. We'll keep you updated every two weeks or-so, until the Kickstarter is fulfilled, with all the goings-on at the Goblin King's citadel. Keep an eye on your inbox for updates, including reveals of the limited editions sculpts and token designs as things progress.  

Also please keep a look out for your unique link to the pledge manger which will be delivered to your inbox in about 2 weeks' time. We'll need you to complete it promptly so that we know exactly what you want and where we need to send it! Our next update will have more detailed instructions. 

But now, we're off the The Stone Moon Tavern for a few rounds of Agatha's Fancy Ale to celebrate!  

Until next time, may some hard work and a little magic make all your dreams come true.  


Voth and Homunculus stat card preview
almost 3 years ago – Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 12:22:26 AM

Good day moonstone hunters,

Today's update is a brief look at the very early stage, work in progress, stat cards for Voth and Homunculus!

Just like Diana Enraged, Voth is designed to be more powerful than a regular Moonstone character. Enemies will really struggle to lay a finger on him with his Force Back ability and Repel signature move. But of course the arcane arts are where his true strength lies and his Hypocrisy of Darkness ability is way above the power curve at a cost of only one energy and a mighty Arcane stat of seven. Plus, when he's in possession of a Moonstone it gets even more crazy! Of course he's far too grand to do the grubby work of picking up the Moonstones himself (or is it just his bad back? Voth is over 1000 years old after all...) and that's where his little helper comes in...

Voth would never leave the safety of the tower without his trusted familiar Homunculus. While he's nearby, Voth gains even more potency and he's also able to Mislead your foes to power up your board control game even further.

This pair will not be tournament legal but will feature in a special scenario which will be made available as a PDF for Kickstarter backers and we are also going to test their power level for friendly games on the basis that you can choose them to fight along side any faction at a cost of three regular character slots for the pair.

Until next time, stay safe and remember – winners don't smoke moonstone.


Kalista alternate artwork and more goals unlocked!
almost 3 years ago – Mon, Jun 14, 2021 at 12:38:21 PM

Good evening moonstone hunters,

Kalista, Leshavult Priestess unleashes her full fury!

Our illustrator has done a superb job with designing the Kalista limited edition alternate sculpt, as voted by you the backers:

We think this is much more dynamic than her standard pose and really gives the sense of the awesome magic she’s capable of unleashing. We hope you like her too! Next step is to hand her to the sculptor, but that won’t be until after the campaign now.

Other stretch goals

We’re also delighted to have unlocked two more stretch goals! The terrain packs (covered in more detail in update 4) will be a wonderful addition to any table and you could even use them for other games too (although frankly, we have no idea why you would do such a thing! ;).

Another free goal was also unlocked - a Moonstone logo sticker, plus a sticker of the faction of your choice. Advertise your favourite faction, or mislead your opponents by sporting another, or remain mysterious with the Elrich icon - it’s up to you! Choose your preferred faction sticker in the pledge manager after the campaign, and add the others for £1 each if you want to.

We’re just working out the details of the next stretch goals, so keep your eyes peeled on the page for more. We’ve also seen requests for more shots of the tokens, which we’ll share with you very soon…

Until next time, may the stones ever be in your favour.


Final stretch!
almost 3 years ago – Mon, Jun 14, 2021 at 12:24:34 PM

Good day moonstone hunters,

We’re now into the last 48-hours of the campaign and we’re thrilled with the success we’ve had. Welcome all new players, we're sure you'll enjoy what’s in store. And a special thanks to the veteran players - this community is one of the best in the world of miniature gaming, we’re incredibly lucky to have you!

Stretch goal news

The wooded patch tokens are now available to add on for £6 (this is half price compared to the projected selling price post-Kickstarter!). The design is still TBC. We've taken on board all feedback which is inline with our own thoughts and will share progress and gather more feedback as the designs evolve.

In other news, after much arm-twisting, we are thrilled to say that our dice maker has found a way to enlarge their capactity by up to another 100 sets of the glow in the dark moonstone D4s! They are still limited to a maxumum of two per backer and are available to add on for £21 once again for those that missed out in the first rush. If there are any left then they will be available during the pledge manager too (although they sold out very fast last time!). This is how they look on a table - we think they’re pretty awesome!

Video and other content

There has been some amazing social media content over the past week and we wanted to share some of our favourites.

Shoshie Bauer painted the contents of the new Malachite Mystics troupe box and the minis look excellent! She was joined by V.G. Thorne, our narrative lead, and they chatted about Moonstone, the hobby, geckos, US drink sizes, and more... 

For German speakers, Diced have done a great ‘how to play’ video:

As have T&G (in English):

OnTableTop ran through one of the new story scenarios that will appear in the book:

An BlackJack Legacy gave a really nice overview of the game:

Finally, we want to celebrate other Moonstone community members’ work. Painted Troll has been painting on Twitch:

And Beard has also been showing off his skills with more glow-in-the-dark effects:

And where would we be without Dicing for Life and their weekly online Tabletop Simulator demo games? A final shout-out to them and if you join us on Discord, you can watch or join in the games at the same time.

Until next time, remember to tip your barmaids as cleaning up after drunk trolls is about as much fun as it sounds.