
Moonstone Fantasy Skirmish Game - The Arising

Created by Goblin King Games

Moonstone, the whimsical fantasy skirmish game, returns with a new expansion book featuring campaign rules and more!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

One Heck of an Arising – Fully Funded in Less Than an Hour!
almost 3 years ago – Sat, Jun 05, 2021 at 08:51:01 AM

Good-day Moonstone hunters!

Just a quick update to say how blown away we've been by your response to this campaign in just the first few hours! Our funding goal was smashed after just 35 minutes and our first stretch goal ticked off in less than two and a half hours!

We're so pleased that we can offer our new book in hardback as an exclusive upgrade to backers of this campaign. Anyone who already has a hardback copy of our first book I'm sure will especially appreciate having a matching set.

It's an incredible feeling to know that there are people out there who appreciate what we do and we cannot wait to get this book into your hands after all the love, sweat (eww..) and yes, a few tears, that's been put into its creation over the past two of years.

Thank you all so much for your incredible early support and here's looking forward to cracking that next stretch goal – Glow in the Dark Moonstone Dice at £15k!

Until next time, stay safe and remember never to take candies from old ladies in the forest (no matter how juicy and delicious they may look).